How to use empathy mapping to elevate your brand and magnetise sales

Look I get it, you're surrounded by all this brand and ideal client speak. And it feels like there is always a new magic potion that’s going to get you to understand your ideal client or get the ultimate connection with your audience. But the only way you’re really going to get there is to dig deep into your ideal clients thoughts, feelings and behaviours. The best way to do that is to complete an empathy mapping exercise.

What is empathy Mapping?

Empathy mapping is an exercise that is designed for brands to get deep into the mind of their ideal client. 

Now you will have heard that in order to speak to your audience effectively you need to be aware of their pain points and use them in your marketing. I am not a huge advocate of that but it is important for you to understand what your ideal client is struggling with and how you can help them with that. You can then use those issues and sell your EPIIIIC transformation and then to your client based on where they want to be rather than on where they are now.

The concept of empathy mapping was created by Dave Gray and is now used as a staple in the user experience and brand realm. Why? Because it works. It allows you to really get into the mind of your ideal client and craft messaging that really speaks to them.

How is Empathy Mapping going to help my business?

In a nutshell understanding your target audience helps you to craft your messaging and take it beyond the superficial. It helps your target audience to feel like you really get them and their needs. I helps them to choose you as the person who is going to transform them. It helps your ideal client to part with their cash. 

Here are some of the ways it's going to get you there: 

You're going to see your ideal client more clearly

Empathy mapping is going to help you to see the world through your ideal client's eyes. Doing this helps you to get a deeper understanding of their pain points. You’ll get clarity on what they need  and what their aspirations are.  

You’re going to give your ideal client what they need 

Once you have a better understanding of your ideal clients wants and needs you can tailor your products and services to meet those needs and provide the transformation they desire. User focussed businesses tend to be the most successful as you are literally giving your client what they want. 

You’ll uplevel your messaging 

Now you know them you can talk to them directly. This is marketing and messaging gold. Empathy mapping will make it easier for you to craft messaging and marketing campaigns that really speak to your target audience.  

Satisfaction guaranteed

You know your ideal client now so you are going to absolutely blow them away. They're gonna rave about you to everyone.  Why? Because you saw what they wanted and needed and gave it to them. It’s that simple. You now have a loyal customer who will keep coming back and will send referrals your way. 

You’ll save some cash 

You’re not gonna be throwing cash at snake oil that claims to help you understand your target audience. You’ll spend your money on things that will address their pain points and meet their needs.

How to create an empathy map

  1. Identify your ideal client: Make sure you know them well. Who are they? How old are they? Where do they shop? What’s their personality like? What are their goals and aspirations? The whole shebang! Write a flippin story if you need to. 

  2. Get to know the pain points: this can be a bit of a contentious issue but it is a must. You need to know what problem your ideal client has. What's keeping them up at night? What’s stopping them from getting to where they want to be? 

  3. Create your map: I’ve added an image of the general layout I use, feel  free to create your own. Make sure you include these elements:

    • Thinks: What are they thinking? What are their core beliefs around this issue? What do they want 

    • Feels: What emotions are they experiencing? What’s important to them? 

    • Does: What actions are they taking? How is this impacting them?

    • Says: What language do they use? Do they use a specific tone of voice?

  4. Look for patterns: It’s really important to analyse the info you now have and look for common themes or issues. This will help you to make improvements to your products and services where needed and use the data in your messaging. 

  5. Use it: you’ve now got some priceless intel that will help develop your messaging, marketing, and client experience. 

My free Client Evolution download gives you all the tools to get you started with empathy mapping. So no need to create your own. 

NOTE: Empathy mapping exercises need to be done regularly. It’s not a one-time solution. Make sure  you review and update regularly. I do this exercise every time I am creating a new service or making updates to an existing one. Remember that your ideal client's needs and behavior can change over time.

Supercharging your Client evolution 

I have evolved this empathy mapping technique to include where you want your client to be after they have used your service. I never want you to sell pain, I want you to offer transformation and Client Experience is going to help you to do just that.

You can download Client Evolution for free, I’m good like that!


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