How to fix your brand identity

I see you, constantly picking at your logo, changing up your fonts, adding new colours in. You’re not happy with your brand identity, which in all honesty means that your ideal client isn't happy with it either. If you are confused by it then so are they. 

What is brand identity?

In a nutshell your brand identity is the visual and auditory parts of your brand that help your business stand out from the crowd. Your brand ID is the most important differentiating factor of your business. The visual elements of your brand identity include your logos, fonts, colours and textures. This is then paired with your brand messaging to create a brand ID that is unique to you. When curated with care, creativity and a clear strategy, you brand identity will create a lasting impression and a clear image in the mind of your target audience. 

How do I know if my brand identity is confusing?

Your brand ID is confusing if it’s not consistent across all touchpoints. And I mean all of them. Everything from your messaging, visuals, your email footer, the whole shebang. Everything that comes from your business needs to scream “you”. And this includes looking too much like a competitor, or not being clear on the vision mission and values your brand stands for.  

All of this can cause confusion in your ideal client and can lose you sales and loyalty, as it can make it difficult for consumers to understand you and your business and remember your  brand. 

Low brand recognition paired with lack of loyalty leads to little or no sales. FACT!

So here’s a little checklist to help you create a clear and consistent brand identity:

  1. Get clear on who you are: Now I encourage you to really sit down and think about who you are as an entrepreneur and how you want to serve the people who will buy from you. Get clear on your areas of expertise and how they benefit your target audience. 

  2. Know your ideal client: You are not here to serve everyone and in all honesty not everyone will like what you have to sell, so it’s really important that you have a clear idea of the type of person you are targeting in your business. Understanding your ideal client will help you to craft clear messaging that speaks directly to them. 

  3. Define your brand's mission, vision and values:  It’s vital to have a clear understanding of what your brand stands for and what you want it to achieve. Having these defined  and clear will set the foundation for all branding decisions you make in the future.

  4. Create a unique and recognisable visual identity: When you’re looking for inspiration from others and try not to copy. Your brand needs to be associated with you and not a poor imitation of someone else. Your visual identity includes your logo, colour scheme, and typography (fonts). Make sure that they are distinctive and easily identifiable. People need to know it’s you at a glance. 

  5. Create consistent brand messaging: Your brand messaging needs to be consistent across all touchpoints, from socials to ads and even how you interact with your clients/customers. Wherever prospective clients come across you they need to hear the same voice.

  6. Create your guidance and stick to it: Every business should have brand guidelines that outlines everything we have covered in steps 1-5.  All your marketing materials, social media platforms, and other communication channels should adhere to your brand  guidelines.

  7. Review and adapt: Do regular reviews of your brand's identity to make sure it’s  still relevant, effective, and aligned with your brand's mission, vision and values. MAke adaptations if you need to but be careful of procrastibranding. If you keep having to tweak your brand Id then it’s a sign that a rebrand is due.

  8. Consistency: Consistency is key and needs to be maintained across all platforms and touchpoints. This ensures that your brand is easily recognised, memorable and stands out from your competitors.

  9. Shout about your brilliance: Your target audience needs to know about the benefits of buying from you. What does choosing your brand give them? What value are you providing? If you don’t tell them they wont know. Communicate the benefits of the brand and what makes it unique, so that the audience can understand the value of the brand.

I know it feels intimidating but following these steps will set you on the right track to creating a clear and consistent brand identity  and one that  effectively communicates what you and your brand stand for. 

Your brand will be easily recognisable and will have a lasting impact on your target audience. Here are all the ways your new clear brand ID is going to benefit you:

  • Increased brand recognition: Your ideal client will remember and recognise you everytime they see you. This is the beginning of  creating a loyal customer base.

  • You’ll stand out from the crowd: Again this points to your brand being recognisable. Standing out from your sea of competitors is key if you want your ideal client to choose you. You’ll be the unicorn in a sea of horses.

  • You’ll be trusted and more credible: Your messaging is clear, your speaking your truth and there authenticity in your messaging. This is where you build the know, like trust factor. An audience that knows, likes and trusts you is more willing to buy from you.

  • Content comes easy: You nailed your vision, mission values and voice so you can now speak about what you do and how you do it with ease. No icky sales pitches here. 

  • The sales come flooding in: Your people know who you are and what you’re about now so the sales will start flooding in. You’re building trust and loyalty with ease. And the word is spreading about how amazing your product/service is. 

  • You’re now resilient A: All businesses need to be able to adapt to change. Now that you have a clear and consistent brand identity you have provided a framework that allows you to adapt to change. All adaptations can be communicated in a consistent manner across all platforms and touchpoints. 

Look I know this all feels like a lot to know and a hell of a lot to do but trust me when I say it is all worth it. We all go into business to make a difference and make money doing what we love. But if you are going to create a business that has longevity and that makes a lasting impact you need a clear and consistent brand identity. 


Is your brand in need of a fresh new identity? Look no further! Branding is my superpower soI can help you create a cohesive and memorable brand that will set you apart from the competition.  Book a free connection call today and let's start building your magnetic brand together!


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