Does your ideal client know who you are?

If you’re anything like me you are bonded to your clients for life and the vast majority are so happy with what you do that they want to stay in your community. 

There's some serious magic in leaving a lasting impression on your clients by showing them exactly what you've got in your bag o’ tricks. Whether it's your skills, expertise or simply your magnetism, letting your clients know what you can do for them is key to securing their trust and loyalty. So strap your boots on, buckle up, grab a pen and paper, and let's explore the life changing magic of showcasing your worth to your clients.

I know  you understand the importance of connecting with your ideal clients. But, have you ever considered why it's vital for them to know exactly what you do and the services you offer? I’m gonna tell you a little story to explore this.

Picture the scene. You are a marketing consultant with 10 years of experience in your field. You’ve worked in both the corporate and charity sectors and now work with small businesses. Your skills and experience speak for themselves and your clients have nothing but amazing things to say about you. You've spent a lifetime developing your skills, creating marketing strategies, and perfecting your offerings. You know you’re brilliant at what you do and can turn a business around and want to connect with clients who need your services.

One day, a potential client reaches out to you. They are the ideal, the one you absolutely want to work with. They're a startup with a limited marketing budget, and they're looking for someone who can help them get the best return on investment. Once you  meet with them you quickly realise that they don’t really have a good understanding about what you do and how you can help them. They're confused about the different elements of your marketing strategy and aren’t 100% clear on how you can help them.

This lack of understanding creates issues in your relationship with the client. You’re now finding it difficult to build trust and communicate the value of your services and how they will transform their business. They're hesitant to invest in something that they don't fully understand, and you're frustrated because you know that you are the right person to help them.

Now let’s go all Sliding Doors! On a different timeline this scenario hits different! 

Imagine that the potential client has a clear understanding of what you do and the services you offer. They have a better understanding of your expertise and how your marketing strategies can help them achieve their goals. They’re much  more confident in their decision to work with you, and you now  have a solid foundation of trust to build upon.

The second scenario highlights the importance of ensuring that your ideal clients know what you do and how brilliant you are. By taking the time to clearly communicate your offerings, you can build trust, increase awareness, differentiate yourself from your competitors, support your marketing efforts, improve client experience, increase client confidence, and refine your offerings. All of this helps you to create a strong foundation for a successful business relationship and to bolster the strength in your brand.

But it’s not just about what you do. You need to be unapologetic about your skill and experience because in reality that is what they are paying for. You can talk about what you do until the cows come home. But it is your skills, your experience and the sheer brilliance you bring that is going to hook your ideal clients in. When building a successful business and a standout brand there's no space for shrinking violets. You need to get out there and confidently communicate why you are the bees knees. 

So, don't ever underestimate the power of speaking your truth and ensuring that your ideal clients know what you do and how brilliant you are at doing it. By doing so, you'll set yourself up for success and create a pathway for building strong, meaningful  and lasting relationships with your clients.


Is your brand in need of a fresh new identity? Look no further! Branding is my superpower soI can help you create a cohesive and memorable brand that will set you apart from the competition.  Book a free connection call today and let's start building your magnetic brand together!


How to make it easy for people to pay you.


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