How to make it easy for people to pay you.

One of the things I am passionate about is helping you to build a brand that makes it easy for people to choose you. And a huge part of that is making it easy for people to part with their money. This is one of the things I harp on about the most so I figured I’d give you all the deets and get into the nitty gritty of what that looks like. 

Getting paid for your products or services is a huge reason for why we all do what we do. However I think it is one of the services we most often overlook. Asking for money can feel icky for some of us (me especially) so streamlining the process can take the personal elements out of it and will only have a positive impact and impression on your incoming clients. 

Having clunky or messy payment processes can be a frustrating experience for both you and your customers, so here are some strategies I think are going to make paying you a breeze and will take the icky awkwardness out of the whole process. 

Accept multiple payment methods

Diversifying the payment methods you accept is one of the simplest ways to simplify your payment process. You just need to offer a variety of options such as credit and debit cards, PayPal, bank transfers, and even mobile payments like Apple Pay or Google Wallet. You will also need to have the software in place to do it. In my opinion Stripe and Pypal are the market leaders here. You can integrate them into pretty much any platform. I even have them hooked up to my banking so if people want a physical invoice I can generate that with ease and my payment links appear automatically.  By offering a range of payment methods, you increase the likelihood that your clients will be able to pay you in the way that is most convenient for them. Stripe allows me to set up bespoke payment plans for those of my clients that want that service, and again means I don’t have to chase when money is due (I hate that) as it is automatically paid.  I also have it set to send invoice reminders for when the deadline is due, again removing the ick factor from me as the tech does it all for me. 

Keep payment information simple

People don’t want to give you their life story in order to make a payment so It’s vital to keep the info they need to give to pay you simple. It is as simple as giving clear and concise instructions on how to pay, including the payment amount, payment due date, and any additional fees. Avoid using complicated payment systems or requiring too much information from your clients, as this can make the process more difficult and discourage them from paying altogether. For me if I can pay you within 5 minutes you’re on to a winner. I’m not going to read all of the info you put their so just keep it concise. Any more than my name address and payment details is a no from me. Me and most of the general population want to be able to pay you without thinking or worrying why you need obscure bits of information. 

Use invoicing software

I cannot recommend this enough. Invoicing software was a game changer for me. Now I’m a stickler for not having a million bits of software all doing different tasks so having a one stop shop or invoicing software that can plug into what I already have is essential for me. Invoicing software can be a great tool for simplifying the payment process. There are a variety of invoicing software options available, such as QuickBooks, FreshBooks, and Zoho Invoice. They all allow you to create professional invoices with all of the necessary payment information, and they can also help you track payments and send payment reminders to your clients. By using invoicing software, you can streamline the payment process and make it easier for your clients to pay you on time. In all honesty I use Stripe as it pretty much integrates with anything and I can create invoices that are on brand. It takes me less than 5 minutes to create an invoice if I need to. 

Offer payment plans

I know some people don’t want to do this and that's fine but, IMHO if you want to make your products and services more accessible offering payment plans is a no brainer as it’s a way of making it easier for your ideal client to pay you. 

Whenever someone wants to work with me I ask whether they want to pay in full or in instalments. Nine times out of 10 they will pay instalments. When I am paying others for their services nine times out of ten I will make use of their payment plan offering. For me it helps me to manage my money better and makes it less likely for me to succumb to shiny object syndrome.  

Offering payment plans can be especially helpful for larger purchases, such as expensive services or products, as they allow your clients to spread out the cost over a longer period of time. Just make sure to set clear terms and conditions for the payment plan, including the payment schedule and any late fees. These can be set in your terms and conditions and in your contracts. 

If you are in ecommerce consider offering Klarna, clearpay or Paypal Pay in 3. They take the risk and you get paid in full. Win win!

Give standout customer service

Look you can have all the shit hot payment processes in the world but if your customer service is shitty  then that's all your ideal client is going to remember. Giving amazing customer service can go a long way in making it easy for your ideal clients to pay you. It can be as simple as  being responsive to any questions or concerns your clients may have about the payment process, and providing them with prompt and friendly service. Make them feel special. By showing your clients that you value their business and are committed to making the payment process as easy as possible, you can build a strong and loyal customer base that is  more than happy to pay you on time.

It doesn’t have to be complicated 

There are so many strategies you can use to make it easy for your ideal clients to pay you. Stick to the expected payment providers stripe, paypal, google, apple. Keep your invoicing and banking all integrated one stop shop services like Stripe are perfectly adequate.  By accepting multiple payment methods, keeping payment information simple, using invoicing software, offering payment plans, and providing excellent customer service, you can create a seamless and stress-free payment process for both you and your clients. By making it easy for your clients to pay you, you can focus on what you do best.  No ick, very little chasing and money that flows in with ease. 


Want more tips like this one? 

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