How to create calls-to-action that sell

In the magical world of web design, calls to action (or CTAs) are vital for converting website visitors into paying customers. Good CTA’s  guide users towards the next step of your  customer journey, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading an ebook, or making a purchase. However, creating effective CTAs is more than just chucking a button on a page and hoping for the best. Here’s how to create clear CTAs on your website and why they are so important.

Why are Calls to Action important?

For me  CTA’s are a no brainer and establishing what they are before I dive into a web design is a vital step. Here's why: 

  1. They tell your users what you want them to do: believe it or not people need to be told what you want from them.  They need to understand what to do next. Clear CTA’s help them to do this. Without them you leave your  users confused or uncertain about what they should do, and are highly likely to leave your website without taking any action.

  2. They improve your conversion rates: CTAs are crucial for turning visitors into customers. Giving your website visitors a clear next step makes them more likely to take action and buy.

  3. They help you to  measure success: By tracking clicks and conversions, you can measure the success of your CTAs and make improvements over time.

Tips for Creating Effective Calls to Action.

Be Clear and Concise

The most important aspect of any CTA is clarity. Your prospective client should know exactly what they're getting into when they click a button. They should know what to expect so use simple, straightforward language that clearly describes the action you want them to take. E.g. saying “learn more” is really vague. Be more specific with your language. “Buy now” & “download the free guide”  are much clearer. 

Use Action-Oriented Language

Your calls to action need to inspire action and making your language action-oriented is the best way to do that. Be sure to use strong verbs like "Download," "Sign Up," or "Join" to encourage people to take action. Use words that give a sense of urgency, such as "Limited Time Offer" or "Don't Miss Out” and don't shy away from using the word “now” e.g. “buy now!” or “download now!”

Make It Stand Out

Your CTAs should be obvious and easy to see. Use contrasting colours, bold fonts, and large button sizes to draw attention to them. Your main call to action should always be in the top left corner of your website. All other instances should be in a prominent location, such as the centre of the screen.

Use Multiple CTAs

Don't rely on a single CTA to convert users. Use multiple CTAs throughout your site to guide users towards different actions. You should have at least one primary  CTA on each page of your website. This does not have to be the same CTA as other pages. For example if you have different services you may want a client to book a call for one or just buy another. You should also remember to promote and push your ;lead generation. E.g. newsletter sign ups, freebies and discounts. 

Test test and test again!

Look, don't be scared of testing and changing  your CTAs. Be open to experimenting with different button colours, language, and placement. Track your conversion rates and make adjustments based on your findings.

Now go check your CTA’s

Calls to action are a critical component of any website. By creating clear and concise CTAs, you can guide your potential customers  towards the next step of the customer journey, improve your conversion rates, and measure your success. Now go and check your CTA’s are they ready to stack those sales?

Need more help to boost your website sales? 

Join my free 2-hour masterclass where and learn 30 ways to boost your website sales. 

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